DISC analysis for your team
You want to engage your team? Get rid of conflicts and misunderstandings? And just get people to appreciate the joy of working with a diversity of personalities?
The DISC model is widely used in professional settings, such as team building, leadership development, and conflict resolution. It provides insights into how individuals with different personality types may interact and collaborate effectively.
If you represent a business and want to engage your team in a DISC exercise and the color codes, follow these instructions.

How to order
It’s simple to buy DISC analysis for a fullt team in on order. Simply buy as DISC assessment from our store and proceed to checkout. You’ll be able to change the quantity in the next step.
This is also how to proceed if you want to purchase an analysis for someone else.

In the next step, switch from Individual registration to Group registration. New information will load on the page, with more information on how to add your full team.
You need to provide first name, last name and email address for everyone in your group as invitations will be sent out to them directly. Please make sure you’ll add names and adresses in this step as you won’t be able to add them later.

You can add names and address to your order in two different ways: upload a CVS file or manually fill in the information in the form.
If you want to upload a CVS file, please download a template. When you have finished adding all information to the template, upload the CVS-file and complete the registration.
If you only have a few members of your team you might prefer to add the information manually. Click the Add Person button to add more rows.
The first name and address should be yours as that is also where the billing information will be sent. Tick the box labled Check this box if you/this person only is responsible for the booking and billing if you don’t want to sign up yourself. You will then only act as a registrant for others.

After adding names and addresses for your team, proceed with the form and complete your order. Make sure the number of DISC assessments in the end is the same as the number of people you want to sign up.

Please allow the page to fully load after completing your order. Now invitations will be sent out to your team members with information on where to take the assessment.
The personal report will be sent directly to them. They will also get a login to this website where they can see their colour graph.
Feel free to reach out to us if you have further questions of if you encounter any technical problems.